Référence : C2019-01
Torrentismo in Sardegna (Tome 2) - (Canyon en Sardaigne)
Auteur(s) : Corrado Conca - Segnavia - 2019
Topoguide de canyon. - 21 nouveaux canyons dans l'Ile, - 150 pages: topo, photos couleur, 20 cm (en Italien). -
Guide describing in detail 21 NEW torrential routes in the Sardinian island. Numerous color photos, maps and canyon profiles make this guide a necessary tool for canyoning in Sardinia.
Torrentism in Sardinia, volume 2, contains descriptive cards of 21 unpublished torrents, or never published before on Italian guides. These are canyons explored in the last ten years or which, in any case, have come to light recently.
Of these routes, as many as 16 are aquatic (or with seasonal water regime) and 5 are instead dry pale limestone peaks. These 21 itineraries are combined with the 28 already published in the first volume of 2009, bringing to 49 the dowry of the Sardinian canyons published. But there is still a lot to see and to describe, and the editing work for the third volume has already begun!.
Genre : livre neuf
Prix : 18.00 €
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