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Référence : P2006-07

Facing Darkness - A documentary about caves and cave diving...

Auteur(s) : Nathalie Lasselin - Pixnat - 2006

DVD présentant la plongée spéléo, avec les grands noms de la plongée profonde US: Jim Bowden (seul vivant de l'équipe Exley), Lamar hires, John Orlowski, Bill Rennaker, Stéphane Jolicoeur, ...45 minutes, sous titré français. - Tough cave diving is one of the most dangerous sport, it unlocks a most fascinating world, that of darkness. Following some of the greatest cave divers in north Florida, Facing Darkness is a documentary which invites you to discover the underwater caves and the safety in which divers explore the caves. An introduction to the amazing underwater cave diving.
Plongée spéléo - plongée en grotte - Floride du Nord - siphon - cave diving. Genre : livre neuf

Prix : 19.95 €

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Facing Darkness  - A documentary about caves and cave diving...    Facing Darkness  - A documentary about caves and cave diving...    

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